NBM will release its next Ted Rall book, Silk Road to Ruin, early next year. The book will tell the story of Rall's travels in Central Asia, where Soviet-style dictators and Islamist militants mix it up on top of the world's largest untapped oil reserves. This is just the type of political environment that stimulates Rall, who tells his stories and lays out the politics of the region in a 200-page book, about 60% prose and 40% graphic novel.
NBM is publishing its first manhwa (Korean manga) title this October. Buja's Diary is a collection of thirteen short stories by Seyeong O in a 272-page b/w trade paperback for $19.95 in October.
In September, NBM will publish Trailers by Mark Kneece and Julie Collins, two members of the faculty of sequential art at the Savannah College of Art & Design. It's a $17.95, 164-page, 6' x 9' jacketed hardcover that tells the story of a teenager disposing of the body of a murder victim killed by his mother.