The French game manufacturer Rackham has discussed its new Mecha Collectible Miniatures Game on its English language forum. The game, which should be released in 2006, is known as AT-43 and was described by a Rackham spokesman as 'a completely new game and universe with Mech and Heavy-armor battles. We actually worked very hard to provide players with great Mecha miniatures in plastic pre-painted.' The development of the new game will not hinder the continuing progress of Rackham's popular fantasy game Confrontation since a totally different team is working on the AT-43 CMG.
The financial prospectus that Rackham produced for its public offering (see 'Rackham Plans Public Offering') contained a picture of a prototype mecha for the new game. One of the reasons Rackham is seeking more capital is to be able to launch new games and diversify its line. Rackham is promising fans that it will continue its tradition of superior quality figures in the new AT-43 Mecha CMG. Rackham spokesman Kaian Draghost noted: 'Regarding the quality of pre-painted minis, it's only a question of what a company wants to do. If a company wants to pay for a pre-painted quality mini, it will take more time and will be more expensive from our side, but we will have great results. We think at Rackham that if we provide pre-painted minis, we MUST propose a great quality, even for a pre-painted model.'