Privateer Press has announced the development of a follow-up to their award-winning Warmachine Miniatures Game--Hordes -- a completely new stand-alone game utilizing unique mechanics and systems that enable a player's warlocks to control an army of warbeasts.  The Trollblood and Skorne of Hordes are not new factions for Warmachine, but at the same time Hordes is completely compatible with Warmachine, and players who know how to play Warmachine will already know the basics of Hordes.


Hordes is based in the wilderness of the Iron Kingdoms and the four factions in the Hordes tabletop miniatures game come with medieval era weapons--they don't have the technology of the steam-powered, mad-made armies featured in Warmachines.  The four factions in the initial release of Hordes include the resilient 'Trollblood,' the vicious 'Skorne,' the mysterious 'Circle Orboros,' and the tainted 'Legion of Everblight.'


Circle Orboros

The Hordes tabletop miniatures game will launch in 2006 with four new battle boxes and a full-length rulebook -- everything a player needs to get started.