In an interview with ICv2, Jennifer Zatorski, Associate Publicity Director for Disney Publishing worldwide, detailed the marketing campaign for Abadazad, the prose/graphic novel hybrid by J.M. De Matteis and Mike Ploog that Disney acquired after CrossGen went bankrupt (see 'Two Abadazad Volumes Out in June'). The marketeing campaign, budgeted at a very healthy $100,000, is large enough to move the dial significantly on demand for this title.
ICv2:In what venues is the consumer advertising running?
Zatorski: Abadazad has been featured in National Geographic for Kids and Disney Adventures (June/July issues). Banner advertisements for the series will appear on various kid interest Websites in the next two weeks. We will continue to advertise the series this fall in additional print publications.
Can you provide details on the in-school promotional campaign?
Abdazad will be featured on 250,000 book covers which will be distributed to schools this fall. The covers will promote the books, the forthcoming Abadazad Mobile Club, and the Website. In addition, the books will be featured library conventions throughout the year and we will distribute promotional posters and tattoos.
What's the nature of the online viral advertising and promotion campaign?
The Abadazad Mobile Club will launch in September. Fans can register on the Website to received text messages from Kate on their cell phones. The campaign will last for approximately 6 weeks.
What types of targets are being used for the publicity campaign?
We are targeting review coverage in national publications, major market newspapers, publishing trade magazines such as Publishers Weekly, and comic websites and blogs.
Can you give any examples of how other Disney divisions will be used to promote the property?
Abadazad promotional materials will be included in welcome packets at select Walt Disney World and