In September Atlas Games is launching Pieces of Eight, an innovative, rousing game of rival buccaneer ships played with a stack of metal pirate coins held in one hand that represents a player's ship. The coins a player chooses and the order in which they are placed determines a ship's strengths, and players can use the special abilities of their coins to destroy their opponent's coins one by one. The goal of the game is to expose the Captain Coin buried deep in the middle of an adversary's ship, and then take him out.
Pieces of Eight is designed for ages 10 and up and takes about 30 minutes to play. Each ship set includes a rulebook, 16 die-struck metal coins and a velvet game bag in a 6' x 9' x 1' box. Two ship sets will be available in September, Pieces of Eight: The Maiden's Vengeance ($19.95) and Pieces of Eight: The Cursed Blade ($19.95).
Atlas Games plans to promote the new game heavily at this summer's conventions where 20,000 copies of a special edition promotional Captain Coin will be given away. The unique gold-colored coin will be available at Origins, GenCon, DragonCon, and other select venues.