WizKids has announced that it will release limited edition products that have not previously been sold through the trade to game retailers beginning later this month.  The products include convention figures and Collectors Sets that were available first to consumers through WizKids Buy It by the Brick promotions (see 'WizKids Planning MechWarrior Bounce-Back'). 


Limited quantities of the products will be released through Diamond and Alliance in North America, and a limited number of distributors in Europe, according to the following schedule (with MSRPs):


January 31:

DC HeroClix The Spectre Figure  $85.00

DC HeroClix Giants Collector's Set  $40.00

Image HeroClix Invincible Collector's Set  $30.00


February 14:

HorrorClix Great Cthulhu Figure  $85.00

DC HeroClix Green Lantern Corps Collectors Set  $30.00

MechWarrior Republic of the Sphere Battleforce Set  $30.00


February 28

MechWarrior Ares 3 Pack Battleforce Set  $60.00

Marvel HeroClix 2099 Collectors Set  $30.00


This is the second major initiative WizKids has announced (for the first, see 'WizKids Coming of Galactus Events') since its move to exclusive distribution through Diamond and Alliance (see 'WizKids Goes Exclusive').