Udon Entertainment has announced that it will be publishing three short manga series based on Capcom's popular Street Fighter videogame franchise. First up in April is the first of two volumes of the Street Fighter Alpha manga by Masahiko Nakahira, creator of two characters, Evil Ryo and Karin Kanzuki, who were so popular that Capcom inserted them into later iterations of the game.
In June Udon will release the first volume (of three) of Street Fighter II, created by Masomi Kanzaki (Xenon, Gun Crisis); followed in July by the publication of Sakura Gunbaru! Volume 1 (of 2), a high school comedy featuring one of the cutest denizens of the Street Fighter world, Sakura (Karin's archrival).
Udon of course has published a number of its own American format comic books based on the Street Fighter franchise, which remains popular. Last year Manga Entertainment released the uncut Street Fighter II anime feature, which was one of the best-selling anime titles of the year. Sabertooth Games has published a Street Fighter CCG, which utilizes its increasingly popular Universal Fighting System (see 'Street Fighter Boosters Sold Out'), and SOTA Toys has released several series of Street Fighter Action Figures. On top of all this merchandising, a live action Street Fighter film is in the works for 2008 (see 'New Live Action Street Fighter Film').