Drive will be a four-part adaptation written by Michael Benedetto, with art by Antonio Fuso (G.I. Joe: Cobra, Zombies vs Robots).
Sallis’s novel was released in 2005, and was adapted into a 2011 arthouse film starring Ryan Gosling. The story follows an unnamed Hollywood stunt driver who moonlights as a heist wheelman. He doesn’t take part in the score, he just drives. But then he befriends a neighbor, and is pulled into a job that quickly gets complicated.
Published in 1974, Meyer’s mystery novel is a new Sherlock Holmes story, published as a “lost manuscript” of Dr. Watson, which recounts a collaboration of Sherlock Holmes and Sigmund Freud, as well as revealing the real identity of Homes’ nemesis Professor Moriarty. The story was also adapted into a film in 1976.IDW’s five-part adaptation will be written by Scot Tipton and David Tipton (Star Trek: Harlan Ellison’s Original The City on the Edge of Forever: the Original Teleplay), with art by Ron Joseph, and cover art by Kelley Jones.