Gale Force Nine continues to expand its growing line of games based on licensed pop culture icons, this time with a party game based on the animated TV series Family Guy.  The new game, Stewie’s Sexy Party Game, is scheduled to release just in time for Christmas.

The action in this party game is controlled by a spinner that directs players to throw parties that range from “ridiculous” to “sexy” or even “offensive.”  Play of the game centers around word play, combining cards with themes like “Eavesdropping” and “Dirty Jokes” and cards showing places, persons, and other elements from the show, which can allow players to earn “martinis” for scoring.

Family Guy:  Stewie’s Sexy Party Game is intended for 4 or more players, ages 14 and up, and plays in about half an hour.  MSRP is $39.99.

Gale Force Nine announced a number of new licenses back in 2014, including Family Guy (see “‘Family Guy,’ ‘Homeland’ & ‘Black Sails’ Games”).

Check out the gallery below for the components of the game.