Mayfair Games will release the new chocolate production game King Chocolate in November.

King Chocolate is a competitive game where players each control different aspects of the six-step process of turning the fruit of the cacao tree into consumer-ready chocolate. The goal is to work with fellow chocolate makers to keep the chain of production flowing, while maximizing profit for their own particular part of the process. Players will have to cooperate with both their suppliers and customers, but also attempt to crush their competitors, because the chocolate maker who makes the most money at the end of the game wins.

The box contains 57 double hex tiles, a starting hex ring, 85 cacao cubes, 99 coins (1s, 5s, 20s), 20 workers (5 colors), 5 player screens, and a six-page rule sheet. The game is for 2 – 5 players, ages 10 and up, and plays in 30 - 60 minutes. MSRP is $49.00.