Plaid Hat Games has announced expansion decks and organized play for its popular card game Ashes, Rise of the Phoenixborn for 2016.

(Click either image for larger view.)

The fantasy card-drafting game was released this summer (see “'Ashes, Rise of the Phoenixborn'”), and according to Plaid Hat, has already sold 18,000 copies.

In late April, the first Ashes single magic style expansion decks: The Frostdale Giants and The Children of Blackcloud, will release.  Plaid Hat plans to release new Ashes decks every three months, with charm and illusion single-style magic decks debuting at Gen Con in August.  After that, a new box set with four decks and two new types of dice (Sympathy and Divine magic) will debut in November. In 2017, the “two decks every three months” schedule will resume with styles that explore combining the old and new dice.

The company plans to release its first Organized Play Kit with the first expansions in April. The OP Kit will contain 12 alternate art Conjuration cards, for all participants, 2 alternate art Phoenixborn cards, a playmat, and instructions on how to access current Tournament Rules, FAQ, and other downloadable content for the events.

Plaid Hat also currently has Tournament Rules, FAQ, downloadable signup sheets, posters and more available on its website.

The company also confirmed it plans to host Ashes Tournaments at both Origins and Gen Con next year.