For the fourth year in a row, Game of Thrones topped the list of the Top 10 Most Pirated TV shows, according to rankings released by TorrentFreak. The Top 10 list for 2015 was even more dominated by shows with geek appeal than in previous years (see "Geek Shows Were Five of Top 6 'Most Pirated'"), with all of the top eight shows having strong geek themes.

The Walking Dead and The Big Bang Theory both held strong at number two and three on the list, respectively. The Flash, Mr. Robot, and Supegirl all made debuts on the top ten list. Once again, titles from the DC Comics Universe dominated Marvel on television, with three shows representing DC to Marvel’s none.

The most pirated shows of 2015, according to TorrentFreak, were:

  1. Game of Thrones
  2. The Walking Dead
  3. The Big Bang Theory
  4. Arrow
  5. The Flash
  6. Mr. Robot
  7. Vikings
  8. Supergirl
  9. The Blacklist
  10. Suits