Set in the Mutant Chronicles Universe, Siege of the Citadel is designed by a design team including Richard Borg (Memoir '44, Battlelore) with Eric M. Lang (Chaos in the Old World, Quarriors!) and Kevin Wilson (Descent: Journeys in the Dark). The original edition was designed in 1993, and a new base game is releasing in late 2017 (see "Modiphius Reveals New 'Siege of the Citadel'").
The first of the two expansions, The Brotherhood Expansion, contains extra content supporting a sixth player, Brotherhood hero minis (Nikodemus, Crenshaw, and Maria Costellanos), an extra set of Character cards, Brotherhood Faction Power and Rank cards, Nepharite Vampurgius, Praetorian Behemoth, Harbinger of the Void, two Brass Apocalypts, two Curators, four Callistonian Intruders, six Algeroth Malignants, two sheets of counters, four double-sided tiles (making eight locations), extra additional cards (Equipment, Secondary Missions, Force Cards, Event Cards, and Doomtrooper Cards), new card decks, a new rulebook, and a mission book. MSRP will be around $60.00.
The second expansion, Luna City Expansion, similarly increases the content for a potential seventh player. It includes one Von Holle Villain, one large figure Zenithian Soulslayer, two Ilian Templars, four Twisted Marionettes, six Heretics, three Heroes (Luna PD Officer Vents, Detective Vance Ryder, Freelancer McBride), one player board and colored bases, four double-sided Luna City tiles, a rulebook, a mission guide, and many more new card decks and tokens. MSRP will be around $60.00.A gallery of several of the figures from Luna City Expansion can be viewed below.
The Kickstarter campaign for Siege of the Citadel: 2nd Edition is still underway until October 8. Currently, it has 1,852 backers pledging a total of $219,716 (an average of $118.64/backer). Modiphius Publishing Director Chris Birch told ICv2 that the two expansions will reach retail release in the year following the base game's release. MSRP for the two games has not yet been finalized.