Paste has once again released a list of the Best New Board Games of  the year, as determined by writer Keith Law.

Law played, or at least demoed, over 50 new board games in the last 12 months, and excluded reissues of older games from consideration for this list.  He also only included games that readers could go out and purchase now.

The list includes:

  1. New Bedford (Dice Hate Me Games/Greater Than Games)
  2. Terraforming Mars (Stronghold Games)
  3. 7 Ronin (Grey Fox Games)
  4. Via Nebula (Asmodee)
  5. Agamemnon (Osprey Games)
  6. Saloon Tycoon (Van Ryder Games)
  7. Quadropolis (Days of Wonder)
  8. Xenon Profiteer (Eagle-Gryphon Games)
  9. SeaFall (Plaid Hat Games)
  10. Inis (Asmodee)

To see Keith Law’s picks from 2015 see “'Best Games of 2015' Lists Flourish.”