The Mighty TP
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: December 3, 2014
Price: $19.99
Creator(s): Peter J. Tomasi and Keith Champagne (writers); Peter Snejbjerg and Chris Samnee (artists)
Format: 304 pgs., Full-Color, Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-6165-5502-3
Age Rating: 14 and up
ICv2 Rating: 4 Stars out of 5

When this first came out from DC as a limited series, it seemed like an odd fit with their line, since it is at its heart a story about the inherent danger of a character much like Superman.  Now that Dark Horse has re-released it as a single volume, it can be read straight through as a tale about how absolute power isn’t just a corrupting influence, but one which defines the recipient as other than human.

Alpha One was the first superhero, and the ONLY one.  The world has come to depend on him to fight everything from minor crime to world-threatening menaces.  It's too much for even a superhero to do on his own, so he uses the royalties from Alpha One merchandise to pay for a whole support organization.  All he wants to do is to make the world a better place… on his own terms.

This story is far creepier than similar tales about superheroes turned bad, because there are no other super-beings to keep him in check, and so few regular folks who even think there might be a problem.  That makes it easier for readers in our world to identify with the growing problem of the situation, as it becomes clear to the reader.

The writing is convincing and terrifying, and while the artwork is not always as smooth as the writing, there are moments when the art is outstanding, like the roses at the start of chapter eight.

For older teens and adults, due to some graphic violence.

--Nick Smith: Library Technician, Community Services, for the Pasadena Public Library in California.