Contemporary Krampus: A Modern Look at an Ancient Legend TP
Publisher: Phrenology Press
Release Date, October 21, 2015
Price: $24.00
Creator(s): Mike Drake (and others)
Format: 124 pgs., Full-Color, Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-5781-6807-4
Age Rating: N/A
ICv2 Ratings: 2 Stars out of 5

Once he was all put unknown here, but recently the Krampus, Santa Claus's demonic helper, has been making regular appearances in our popular culture.  As an example, see Contemporary Krampus: A Modern Look at an Ancient Legend, which collects the work of fifty contemporary artists from all over the world who use a diverse variety of styles and mediums to depict the Krampus.

As someone who's been fascinated with the character for years I was eagerly looking forward to reading this book, but ultimately it turned out to be more than a bit of a disappointment.  It’s clear from the title that the focus here would be on contemporary depictions of the Krampus, but I was hoping for at least a little more than that.  For example, it might have been nice if the introduction informed the reader about at least a little of the Krampus' long European legacy.

And when it comes to that art, it's not that I didn’t like any of the pieces presented here; some of them are in fact quite good.  But truthfully I didn't care for enough of the artist’s interpretations of the creature to make this book worth my while.  The Krampus' most fervid fans might like this one, but I'm afraid that this thin, slight volume will appeal only to them.

-- Steve Bennett: Writer and retail services consultant.