Daniel Clowes' Ghost World graphic novel has been made into a movie directed by Terry Zwigoff, director of the acclaimed documentary on R. Crumb.  Ghost World is a sensitive slice of life film centering on two supremely ironic, above-it-all teenage girls and their difficult adjustment to life after high school.  Clowes and Zwigoff collaborated on the script, which manages to retain the ironic tone of the graphic novel.  It is difficult to predict how a film like Ghost World will fare, but critical reviews should be good since the movie represents a strong contrast to the recent spate of highly contrived Hollywood films about teenage girls like Bring it On and Sugar and Spice.


Ghost World features an excellent cast including Thora Birch, who played Kevin Spacey's daughter in American Beauty, and Scarlet Johannsson, who played Grace MacLean in The Horse Whisperer, as the two principals.  'A' list character actor Steve Buscemi  (Fargo, The Big Lebowski, Reservoir Dogs, Con Air) has a choice role as Seymour, a hypersensitive malcontent, whose minor role in the graphic novel has been significantly expanded in the film. 


Retailers don't have to worry about a long list of licensees for Ghost World or much in the way of mass market competition.  The Ghost World graphic novel and the extensive Daniel Clowes backlist available from Fantagraphics Books are the best sort of 'movie tie-ins.'   Be sure and have these books in stock and be ready to order more if the movie clicks.