Mark Farace of All American/Mo's Comics in St. Louis, Missouri saw Jay Bardyla’s recent comments about shipping schedules (see “Jay Bardyla of Happy Harbor Comics on One Day Earlier”) and says he still believes that comics distribution timing should be similar to other publications:


I've got to admit that Jay B. up in Canada has the right attitude when it comes to what can be expected from Diamond and how he's going to run his business.  That being said, I think he's given up on wanting better and totally disagree with "training" the customers to deal with the way the business is. 


We should never be put in a position to make the customer understand the difference in our world versus EVERY other form of print media.  When a new comic customer compares our industry to books, records or even their Sports Illustrated subscription, it can be embarrassing to have to explain to him that this world doesn't rotate like the normal one.  Getting "tired of the discussion" of what can make "all" retailers, as a whole, better and more professional, should never be a part of a true business. 


I personally get upset when I hear the dealer down the street is selling books on Tuesday, underpaying for value of back issues, or just generally treating comic buyers poorly.  When you lose interest in the hobby as a whole, and just worry about what you do, even if you're doing it better than everyone, the long term effects will put us all in a different business. 


The opinions expressed in this Talk Back article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of