The show is now as big as San Diego Comic Con (see "NYCC as Big as San Diego Comic Con").
NOTE: Any image can be clicked for a larger view.
One of many local food vendors at the show. Here, the Baconery menu. We love their slogan: "Life is just better with bacon."
A pretty good Joker nurse, doing a little shopping.
This store's booth had an empty shelf on the rack, so sales must have been good.
It had to happen, a Miley cosplayer.
A cosplayer with her robot pal.
Here's Troll and Toad--one of a number of game-related booths scattered around the floor.
Beyond Animal Farm.
The data bandwidth for some cellphone carriers was heavily overloaded, as these two exhibitors trying to get a signal to check someone out with Square demonstrated.
Two of Spidey's deadly foes--Venom and Mysterio.
Click here for Part 7.