The 110-card Phantom Forces set continues to feature Mega Evolution as powerful Pokemon-EX and centers around the Shadow Pokemon Gengar. The English set includes the 88 cards of the corresponding Japanese "Phantom Gate" release, the Japanese Hyper Metal Chain Deck, and various promotional cards to make up its total of 110 cards.
The Phantom Forces expansion will include potent 6 Pokemon-EX and two Mega Pokemon-EX. It brings in Dialga-EX and Aegislash-EX from the Japanese Hyper Metal Chain Deck and includes them with 4 Pokemon-EX from the Japanese Phantom Gate set, Gengar-EX, Manectric-EX, and two others. The expansion also includes a new mechanic card named “Spirit Link” that allows Mega Pokemon to evolve without ending the player’s turn.
The Phantom Forces Booster Box contains 36 ten-card booster packs, while the Sleeved Booster Master Carton contains 144 ten-card sleeved booster packs, and the 60-card Phantom Forces Theme Deck come packed eight to a box. Each 10-card Booster and Sleeved Booster Pack has an MSRP of $3.99, while the 60-card Theme Decks have an MSRP of $12.99.
Two additional Pokemon products are shipping in October. The EX Power Trio Tins are set to street on October 14th. Each tin contains one Pokemon-EX of the Kanto starter final evolutions, which are Venusaur-EX, Charizard-EX, or Blastoise-EX and 4 Pokemon booster packs.
The second October release, which is slated for late in the month, is the 2014 World Championship Decks. There are four decks to choose from, each one a card-for-card replica of an actual title-contender’s deck from the 2014 World Championships. Each 2014 World Championship Deck comes with a World Championships 2014-themed Deckbox, a booklet about the championships, a non-tournament-legal print of the sixty-card deck, and a 2014 World Championships Pin.