As ICv2 has reported previously, sales of magazines through the newsstand distribution channel have been declining for the past decade (see 'Newsstand Sales Slipping Across the Board'). Now Advertising Age has published an Audit Bureau of Circulation survey of the paid circulation of the top 200 magazines showing more stable circulations over the past six months--only five of the top ten magazines showed declines (although the declines were larger than the gains), while six months earlier seven of the top ten showed drops. It's important to note, however, that paid circulation is not the same as single copy sales, since it also includes subscription revenues. The single copy situation may be worsening, since the Ad Age article mentions that an estimated 50,000 retail venues for magazines have been lost in the past year. The rapidly changing periodical business is likely to have continuing impacts on comics and other pop culture titles as time goes on. Developing.
As Newsstand Sales Decline
Posted by ICv2 on April 16, 2001 @ 3:54 pm CT