Two Brothers is an ambitious graphic novel that grapples with the issues of identity and family in a narrative about identical twins with radically different personalities. After a brutal quarrel between the boys, one is sent from their home in Brazil to live with relatives in Lebanon. When he returns five years later, he is a stranger to his parents and this saga takes a fateful turn in which family secrets are revealed and blood ties dissolved.

New GN From Gabriel Ba & Fabio Moon
Posted by Tom Flinn on May 20, 2015 @ 2:18 pm CT

Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon, whose Daytripper graphic novel won an Eisner in 2011, are back with Two Brothers ($24.99), a 232-page black-and-white hardcover graphic novel from Dark Horse comics in October. Daytripper, which was published by Vertigo, topped the New York Times “Graphic Book Chart” in February of 2011, and won the Eisner Award for “Best Limited Series” as well as a Harvey Award (see “2011 Harvey Award Winners”).