Eagle-Gryphon Games will release Empires: Galactic, the science fiction-themed sequel to Glenn Drover’s Empires: Age of Discovery in Q3 2016. 

Galactic Rebellion is set an all-too-familiar galaxy (the Kickstarter page describes the project as “a board game homage to Star Wars”), dominated by a cruel and oppressive empire that has finally pushed its citizens into open revolt.  As the leaders of competing factions of rebels, up to five players must work together to overcome the Empire’s massive military machine, but first they must compete against each other to make sure they are in the right position to rule the galaxy when the fighting ends.

Although the game has similarities to the earlier Empires games (see “Revamped Deluxe Version of Glen Drover's 'Age of Empires III'”), it offers a different playing style with more combat and “take that” style mechanics.  During the game, the players must deploy their five varieties of workers to various tasks, researching alien technologies, launching covert missions, and responding to the card-driven activities of the repressive Empire.  After three “epochs” of three turns each, the Empire finally launches its own counterattack, which the players cooperatively must overcome or see their rebellions destroyed.

Galactic Rebellion includes 1 game board, 438 plastic miniatures, 50 cards, 100 coins, 70 cubes, and 90 tiles.  MSRP has been tentatively set at $125.00.

Eagle-Gryphon is funding production through a Kickstarter campaign, which reached its funding goals in the second day.  During the campaign, retailers interested in pre-ordering the game may contact the company, and will receive all stretch goals offered to the campaign backers.

Eagle-Gryphon recently announced two other board game titles, releasing soon (see “‘Loop, Inc.’ and ‘Fleet:  Wharfside’”).