Turner Broadcasting announced the premiere of Peanuts for Time Warner’s Boomerang network. The show will debut on May 9.
New episodes will debut at 11:30 AM/ET/8:30 AM PT every day. The show is produced by French company Normaal Animation under a licese from Pranuts Worldwide LLC. The show debuted overseas in 2014 before the Peanuts movie (see "New Trailer for 'The Peanuts Movie'") which debuted last fall.
The deal was announced last October (see "500 'Peanuts' Cartoons").
Fantagraphics recently announced President Obama would be writing the introduction to their latest Peanuts strip collection (see "President Obama Pens 'Peanuts' Collection Introduction").
Charlie Brown Returns to TV
Posted by Nicole Bunge on April 28, 2016 @ 1:14 pm CT