Fresh off his success in Civil War II, the House of Ideas’ workhorse scribe, Brian Michael Bendis, will be writing two major new ongoing comic book series for Marvel this fall, a new title featuring Jessica Jones, which debuts in October, and Infamous Iron Man, a new Marvel Now series in which Victor Von Doom takes the place of the suddenly MIA Tony Stark that is also launching in the fall.
Created by Bendis and artist Michael Gaydos in 2001, Jessica Jones first appeared in the Marvel Max series Alias as a hardboiled, super-powered private eye. After the highly successful debut of Netflix’s 13-episode live-action Jessica Jones series last November, the interest in the character skyrocketed. Bendis told IGN that he waited until he could reassemble the team from Alias including artist Michael Gaydos and cover artist David Mack. Not only will the new Jessica Jones saga now bear her name rather than the Alias moniker, it will be published as a mainstream Marvel Now title rather than under the adult-oriented Marvel Max imprint. Also slated for a fall debut is Bendis’ Infamous Iron Man, which will feature art by Alex Maleev, who worked with Bendis to great effect in their run on Daredevil. CBR broke the news that Victor Von Doom will be the new “Shellhead” in Infamous Iron Man, and quotes Marvel solicitation copy to effect that “Doom will succeed where Tony Stark has failed.” Doom’s stint in the armor makes sense if one considers the storyline of the current Bendis-penned Invincible Iron Man title, but what about the recently announced reboot of Invincible Iron Man, which Bendis will be writing with art by Stefano Caselli—how will that title’s black female Iron Man (see “Black Female Iron Man Suits Up”) interact with Von Doom’s Infamous Iron Man? Having multiple versions of its superhero characters operating in different comics is now typical for Marvel, which has currently unleashed multiple incarnations of Peter Parker, Thor, and Captain America.& 'Infamous Iron Man'
Posted by ICv2 on July 11, 2016 @ 10:05 pm CT