According to THR, the project is in the early development stages, with the film being considered a sequel-reboot, and it will star a black female character. Disney has hired Max Winkler and Matt Spicer to write the script, which is currently called The Rocketeers.
The story will take place six years after the original, and Cliff Second has disappeared while fighting Nazis. A new heroine will emerge, a young African-American female pilot, who takes up the mantle of the Rocketeer to stop a corrupt rocket scientist from stealing jet-pack technology that could be a turning point in the Cold War.
Brigham Taylor (The Jungle Book) is producing. Also producing are Blake Griffin of the L.A. Clippers and Ryan Kalil of the Carolina Panthers, who have formed a new venture called Mortal Media. Disney’s Tendo Nagenda and Chaz Salembier are overseeing the project.
The last time The Rockekteer was discussed in Hollywood was 2012, when Disney’s Alan Horn put a reboot in development (see “'Rocketeer' Film in Development”).
The Rocketeer was created in 1982 by Dave Stevens as a homage to Saturday matinee heroes of the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. IDW currently has the license to produce Rocketeer comics, with the latest being The Rocketeer at War! By Dave Bullock and Marc Guggenheim.