Cartoon Network announced its popular animated series Adventure Time will come to an end in 2018 after Season 9, according to Variety. Season 8 is expected to premiere later this year, and Season 9, the final season, will end sometime in 2018. The show will conclude with 142 half-hours of content total.
The fantasy series, created by Pendleton Ward, began airing on Cartoon Network in 2007. It followed the adventures of a boy named Finn and his best friend Jake, who was a magical dog which can change shape. The show has won six Primetime Emmy Awards, a BAFTA Award and an Annie Award among other accolades.
The franchise has spawned card games (see “'Adventure Time Card Wars'”) and toys (see “Cryptozoic 'Adventure Time' Releases”) from Cryptozoic; clothing; video games; and comics from BOOM! (see “ KaBOOM Does 'Adventure Time'”).
The comic book and graphic novel series published by BOOM! Studios’ KaBOOM! imprint has won an Eisner Award (see “'Building Stories,' 'Saga,' 'Hawkeye' Come Up Big at the Eisners”) and multiple Harvey Awards (see “2014 Harvey Award Winners: 'Saga,' 'Adventure Time,' 'Sex Criminals' & 'The 5th Beatle'” and “'Saga' Dominates 2013 Harvey Awards”).
ICv2 asked BOOM! if it had plans to wind down the series , as it is with the comics of sister Cartoon Network property Regular Show as it’s ending (see “'Regular Show' Ending”), but the company did not respond in time for this article.