The series will be written by Michael Dante DiMartino, the co-creator of the animated Legend of Korra TV series. Legend of Korra: Turf Wars – Part One will be illustrated Irene Koh (Secret Origins: Batgirl, Afrina and the Glass Coffin), with a cover by Koh and Heather Campbell. The 6” x 9” trade paperback will have 80 pages, and an MSRP of $10.99.
Korra and Asami leave the spirit world, but find nothing but political problems and human vs. spirit conflict when they get to Republic City. A developer want to build an amusement park on top of a new spirit portal, straining human/spirit relations. Plus the triads have realigned, and are engaged in a brawl at the cities borders – right in the middle of an evacuee camp.