This expansion continues to parallel the storylines of the Cardfight!! Vanguard G NEXT animated series, featuring card used by the Rummy Labyrinth idols, which are designed to work especially well with the Illusionist of the Cresent Moon and Vampire Princess of the Nether Hour Trial Decks. A new card rarity is being introduced in this set, the “Rummy Labyrinth Rare” (abbreviated “RLR”) cards, with hot-stamped signatures of Haruka Kudo and Aimi, voice actors from the show.
The entire set will include 60 cards, with 54 new cards and 6 reissued cards, of the following rarities: 2 GR, 4 RRR, 8 RR, 16 R, 30 C, 8 parallel SP, and 2 parallel SGR, along with 2 Special Reissue RLR and 6 SP cards found in Clan Packs, which will be randomly inserted in some displays. Each 7-card pack will include two R or higher rarity cards.
Sneak preview events for this release are scheduled for the weekend of May 5-7, and Bushiroad is making Rummy Labyrinth Under the Moonlight Sneak Preview Kits available to participating retailers, which includes 39 booster packs, 9 Rainbow RR foil promo cards, and 2 rubber playmats. This kit will follow the new format Bushiroad introduced for the Raging Clash of the Blade Fangs release (see “‘Raging Clash of the Blade Fangs’”), which allows organizers to choose between draft or sealed format tournaments.
(See preview of card art in the gallery below!)