Mighty Mouse, written by Sholly Fisch and illustrated by Igor Lima, finds the caped murine superhero exiled to another dimension where the only person who believes he exists is a kid that no one will listen to. Dynamite has lined up superstars Alex Ross and Neal Adams for variant covers for the first issue, which will be solicited in April for release in June.
Mighty Mouse, a parody of a certain caped Kryptonian, made his first appearance in a 1942 theatrical short. He went on to become Terrytoons’s most popular character, finding a home on television and in comics from Timely and several other publishers. The last Mighty Mouse comics were published by Marvel (1990-1991). Dynamite announced their acquisition of the 75-year-old character during NYCC (see “Dynamite Acquires Rights to 'Charmed,' 'Mighty Mouse'”).
Click Gallery below for all four main covers!