Inspired by the hit Canadian science fiction TV show, Orphan Black: Clone Club is a game about building strands of DNA, represented in the game by cards. By playing cards into the building matrix, the players try to uncover their own genetic past while keeping it secret from the others. In the end, the player who controls the longest chain of DNA wins the game.
Created by Daryle Andrews (Sagrada, Back to the Future: OUTATIME) and freshman designer Bryce Hunter, Clone Club comes with 53 cards, 75 tokens, and a score pad. The game is for 2 to 5 players, ages 14 and up, and plays in less than half an hour. MSRP is $24.99.Both sides of IDW have embraced Orphan Black, with a card game from IDW Games released in 2015 (see “IDW Announces ‘Orphan Black’ Tabletop Games’”) while IDW Publishing had a hit with an Orphan Black comic book (see “IDW Has the #1 Comic in February”).