The Falconer’s Guild will be joining Guild Ball soon, and to welcome them, retailers can order The Falconer’s Guild Launch Pack. The kit contains a Falconer’s Guild, “Daughter of Falcons” Launch Party Guide, 2 double-sided posters and launch party sign-up sheets, 10 double sided Coach Record Sheets and Launch Party Team Construction Rules Sheets, a limited-edition alternate sculpt Veteran Hearne model, a limited-edition alternate sculpt Egret model, 8 limited-edition alternate art Falconer Player Cards (one for each model in the team), 8 limited-edition Falconry Bell Balls, an EO Thank You Voucher, 20 Launch Party Flyers, and 20 Invitation Cards. The launch party will introduce the rules for flying to the game. MSRP is $30.00. This item is not for resale.
The Exiles: New Alliances box includes six models, each playing for a different guild: the Butchers, the Brewers, the Engineers, the Hunters, the Morticians, and the Farmers. This pack is a celebration of the Union in Chains community campaign, featuring models chosen by the players. The box includes Veteran Decimate, Veteran Minx, Veteran Gutter, Veteran Harriet, Veteran Hemlocke, and Veteran Honour, as well as 3 Trap Markers. MSRP isSteamforged announced a new game Godtear, at Toy Fair (see “Steamforged's New Miniatures-Based Board Game 'Godtear'”).