The long-awaited Big Hero 6 animated TV series will finally begin airing in June on Disney Channel, DisneyNOW, and Disney Channel VOD platforms, the company announced. The show was originally planned to premiere last fall; the second season has already been greenlit (see "’Big Hero 6’ Renewed Before Series Debut").
Two back-to-back episodes will air on Saturday, June 9 and Sunday, June 10 as a premiere weekend event. Following the initial weekend, new episodes will be aired every Saturday through September.
In addition to the returning voice cast from the movie, a very special guest star will appear. Christy Carlson Romano, who played the title role in Kim Possible, will be re-united with the production team from the show, which is producing Big Hero 6, when she voices bot-fighter Trina.
Shorts featuring Baymax beginning Thursday, May 31 across Disney Channel, DisneyNOW, and Disney Channel YouTube will promote the premiere. Disney will release the DVD Big Hero 6 The Series: Back in Action! On June 26.
Merch will have a windowed release that favors Disney channels, debuting on on May 1, at Disney stores on June 1, and at other retailers July 1.
Shorts to Promote, Merch, DVD
Posted by ICv2 on April 25, 2018 @ 3:31 am CT