With a plan that attempts to satisfy everyone and seems likely to please few, the Game Manufacturers Association Board of Directors has announced that it will take steps to resolve the dispute over its decision not to renew the contract of Executive Director John Ward in three different directions at the same time.

First, in the wake of the 65% Publisher Manufacturer Member vote of confidence in Ward at the recent Special Membership Meeting (see "GAMA ED John Ward Gets Vote of Confidence"), the board has instituted an opinion survey of all classes of membership which will gather information on the depth of feeling from the publisher members who voted during the meeting, and for the first time, poll the opinions of the Retailer, Distributor, and Communicating Members of the organization.

Second, the board will negotiate with Ward to see if a contract shorter than the four-year term of the contract that was not renewed can be agreed upon.

And third, the board will interview applicants for the Executive Director position and present a shortlist of five candidates to the board.