The number of unique attendees at Origins Game Fair in Columbus earlier this month was up 11% to 20,642 from the 18,646 unique attendees in 2018, the Game Manufacturer’s Association reported. This is about the same increase that Executive Director John Stacy reported at the GAMA membership meeting on Friday (see "GAMA Reveals Early Origins Numbers").
Turnstile attendance (the sums of daily attendance) was up about 1%, from 70,765 last year to 71,237 in 2019.
This growth in attendance continues a multi-year trend (see "Origins Attendance Up Substantially This Year").
GAMA reported 257 exhibitors for the show, which raised $7110 for Kaleidoscope Youth Center, its designated charity.

To Over 20,000 Uniques
Posted by Milton Griepp on June 26, 2019 @ 8:43 am CT