The Power Rangers Legendary Ranger: Tommy Oliver Pack revolves around the former nemesis of the Power Rangers, the Green Ranger Tommy Oliver, and comes with figures in four of his different outfits: Mighty Morphin Green, Mighty Morphin White, Turbo Red, and Dino Thunder Black. The expansion also introduces a Legendary Ranger Mode that allows players to construct their own combat decks. Power Rangers Legendary Ranger: Tommy Oliver Pack includes: 4 Ranger figures, 6 Character cards, 40 Combat cards, 4 Zord cards, a Megazord card, a Monster figure, a Monster Deployment card, 8 Monster Enemy cards, and a rulesheet. It will retail for $40.00.
Power Rangers Zeo Ranger Pack features the Rangers after they have discovered the Zeo Crystal and gained new powers. This Pack adds five playable Zeo heroes to the base game, Tommy Oliver, Adam Park, Rocky DeSantos, Tanya Sloan, and Kat Hillard, as well as their Zords and the Zeo Megazord. The Pack comes with 5 Ranger figures, 5 Character cards, 50 Combat cards, and 6 Zord cards. This expansion will retail for $40.00. Power Rangers Mega Goldar Deluxe Figure had grown to a colossal size, thanks to Rita Repulsa, and is ready to take on the Power Rangers in epic battles. This expansion comes with a Mega Goldar figure, a Mega Goldar Deployment card, 6 Mega Goldar Component cards, and a rulesheet. This giant figure retails for $40.00.
Renegade Game Studios
Posted by Jeffrey Dohm-Sanchez on November 7, 2019 @ 1:51 pm CT

Renegade Game Studios revealed three new Expansion Packs for Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid, a miniatures board game, for release in Q2 of 2020. All three new Packs require the base board game to play, which was released this year (see "'Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid'").