Renegade Game Studios and Hasbro will release Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid, a cooperative miniatures board game in Spring 2019.
The game is designed by Jonathan Ying, one of the designers of Star Wars: Imperial Assault, and illustrated by Dan Mora. Players team-up as the Power Rangers to save Angel Grove from Rita Repulsa and her monsters. The Rangers use martial arts, teamwork and giant assault vehicles (zords) to defeat the forces of darkness. The game is for 2-5 players, ages 14 and up and plays in 45 - 60 minutes. MSRP was not announced. The game will be funded via a Kickstarter campaign that will launch August 14.
The game also has an expansion, Heroes of the Shattered Grid, planned as well. In another reality, the Rangers lost, and Lord Drakkon took over and formed a cross-dimensional army that is now threatening the Morphin’ Grid itself. The expansion is torn directly from the pages of BOOM! Studios’ current comic series (see "Preview: 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' #25"). New foes and new allies immerge from across dimensions to take part in the battle.
Renegade announced a license with Saban for the brand in March (see "Power Rangers Coming to the Tabletop"). Saban’s recent deal with Hasbro, Inc to be the new master toy licensee for Power Rangers pivoted to become an outright sale of the brand to Hasbro in May (see "Power Rangers Go! Go! to Hasbro in $500 Million Deal").
See concept miniatures in the Gallery below!

Cooperative Miniatures Board Game from Renegade Game Studios
Posted by Nicole Bunge on August 3, 2018 @ 2:47 am CT

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