Marvel Comics has announced a new Shang-Chi series launching in June. Shang-Chi will be written by Eisner Award-winning writer Gene Luen Yang (American Born Chinese), with art by Dike Run and Philip Tan. Jim Cheung will provide covers and Shang-Chi’s all-new costume design.
Shang-Chi’s past will collide with his fight for justice as he finds himself pulled back into the fold. His father’s secret society has been revitalized and a target has been placed on Shang-Chi’s back. The balance of power will shift as a tale of succession, family, and betrayal unfolds.
Gene Luen Yang recently penned the Superman Smashes the Klan graphic novel (see "DC Reveals Covers, Dates, And Deets For Spring 2020 Middle-Grade Graphic Novels"), and of course wrote the perennial bestseller American Born Chinese.
With Dike Ruan and Philip Tan
Posted by Tim Smith on March 13, 2020 @ 3:23 am CT