The fifth installment of The Op’s Rising series, players will have to work together to stop the Batman Who Laughs from unleashing a terror on the multiverse. Working alongside heroes like Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Harley Quinn, players roll dice and play cards to take on villainous versions of Batman such as the Merciless, the Dawnbreaker, and the Murder Machine. It all culminates in a final showdown with the Batman Who Laughs, represented by a full-color collectible sculpt.
The Batman Who Laughs Rising includes a Batman Who Laughs figure, a deployment zone tile, four double-sided Dark Knights track tiles, a Dark Knights die, 15 hero dice, 32 Dark Knights track counters, 60 damage counters, four team deployment tokens, 30 bonus tokens, four team ability cards, 38 character (hero and villain) cards, seven Dark Knights cards, and a rulebook.The Batman Who Laughs Rising is for 1 to 4 players, ages 15 and up, and plays in 60 minutes. The game will retail for $49.99 when it launches this Fall.
The Op announced SpongeBob: Plankton Rising last month (see “The OP Sets Course For Bikini Bottom”).
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