Renegade Game Studios will release Clank! Adventuring Party, a new expansion for Clank! and Clank! Legacy, in September. The expansion, which requires the Clank! base game or a completed copy of Clank! Legacy to play, allows up to six characters, each with asymmetrical starting decks with thieving identities.
The identities are the Dwarf Agent, the Elf D’allan, the Orc Garignar, the mage Lenara, the MonkeyBot Prime, and the devious cat Whiskers.
MSRP will be $30.
Pre-orders through local game stores will receive a free promo card, "Lightning Reflexes."
Renegade released another product expanding the Clank! family of products, Cyber Station 11, an expansion for Clank! In! Space!, last November (see "’Clank! In! Space!’ Heads for ‘Cyber Station 11’").
For Up to Six Players
Posted by Milton Griepp on May 5, 2020 @ 5:20 pm CT