This year's Free RPG Day 2020 Kit contains over 125 items from 14 different publishing partners. The list of publishing partners, brand lines of the products offered, and number of copies/items the products included are as follows:
- 9th Level Games: Level One Anthology of Indie RPGs (15 copies)
- Cubicle 7: Warhammer 40K Wrath & Glory (7 copies)
- Dave Taylor Miniatures/Mantic Games/Army Painter: How to Paint a Library (7 copies)
- Fantasy Flight Games: Genesys Keyforge (11 copies)
- Gatekeeper Games: Dice (3 items)
- Goodman Games: Dungeon Crawl Classics (7 copies)
- Hit Point Press: Humblewood (3 copies)
- Magpie Games: Root RPG (7 copies)
- Oni Games: Junior Braves (7 copies)
- Paizo, Inc.: Pathfinder RPG (15 copies)
- Paizo, Inc.: Starfinder RPG (15 copies)
- Q-Workshop: Dice (3 items)
- Renegade Game Studios: Kids on Bikes (7 copies)
- Renegade Game Studios: Overlight (7 copies)
- Roll20: Subscription Promo (12)
- Wizkids: Warlock Tile exclusive item (1 item)
Gaming Days, LLC will release the actual titles and images of the products in the next few weeks leading up to the event.