The sixth Doctor Who Comics Day will be held on Saturday, November 21, Titan Comics announced. This will be a resumption of the annual events, which took a year off in 2019; the last was held in 2018 (see "Titan Comics Celebrates Anniversary of ‘Doctor Who’"). Doctor Who Comics Day has been timed to be held near the anniversary of the airing of the first episode; the 57th anniversary of the first show will be November 21, traditionally celebrated as Doctor Who Day.
For this comic event, two new releases are planned, a collection of the Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious miniseries, one part of a transmedia event spanning audio, novels, comics, vinyl, digital, immersive theater, escape rooms, and games (see "Titan Comics Reveals Its Part in BBC Studios’ Transmedia ‘Doctor Who’ Story"); and the launch of a new Doctor Who comic series.
The first issue of the new Doctor Who series, written by Jody Hauser with art by Roberta Ingranata and Enrica Eren Angiolini, will star Rose Tyler, the Thirteenth and Tenth Doctor teaming up. It will feature a range of covers, including an exclusive Doctor Who Comics Day cover by Rachael Stott, available only in comic stores.
Stores, libraries, and organizers of fan events can sign up for support with Titan Comics.
Click Gallery below for full-size cover images!
With New Series, New Collection, Covers
Posted by Milton Griepp on September 4, 2020 @ 3:19 am CT