Games Workshop previewed its first Warhammer 40,000 releases of 2021. The preview revolved around the announcement of multiple Death Guard releases, including a Codex, Datacards, and several new miniatures.

The Death Guard Codex features brand-new lore, artwork, and rules for the Plague Marines. It comes as either the standard hardcover edition or a foil-blocked collector's edition. As a complementary resource to the new rules, GW also will put out Datacards: Death Guard  which contain quick reference information for the forces of Nurgle.

The two miniatures boxed sets released in this wave are the Combat Patrol: Death Guard and Death Guard: Poxwalkers. Both sets tack on multiple miniatures to Plague Marines' forces and their shambling horde. GW also revealed a set of three champions and the Miasmic Malignifier to help Nurgle's various forms of pestilence spread across the galaxy.

Games Workshop recently released an update on the status of the Warhammer releases going into 2021 (see "Games Workshop Updates the Status of 'Warhammer' Releases Going into 2021").

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