Titan Comics will publish the crime manga Gamma Draconis, an international collaboration between Japanese artist Eldo Yoshimizu and French writer Benoist Simmat, as part of its Hard Case Crime imprint. Yoshimizu is the creator of Ryuko, which Titan published last year (see “ICv2 Interview: Manga at Titan Comics”).
Gamma Draconis follows the story of a woman who is studying religious art at the Sorbonne, in Paris, and becomes entangled in a sinister international plot as a result of her research into occultism. Eldo traveled to a French monastery, the city of London, the bars of Osaka, and a monastery and church in Takarazuka to research the art for the manga.
Titan will publish the one-volume manga in August 2021 with an MSRP of $14.99.
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By Creator of 'Ryuko'
Posted by Brigid Alverson on March 1, 2021 @ 5:43 pm CT