Jasco Games was displaying a board game tied to the My Hero Academia franchise at GAMA Expo, the first indication that the company plans to expand its range under the license beyond the My Hero Academia CCG, which launched, and quickly sold out, last fall (see "Jasco Games Release for ‘MHA CCG’").
My Hero Academia: Plus Ultra! Board Game is planned for May release at a $29.99 MSRP, we were told, with distribution to the hobby trade as well as mass and specialty retail. The game is for two to four players, ages 14 and up, and plays in 20-30 minutes.
My Hero Academia was in the top five most popular manga franchises for Fall 2021 (see "Top Manga Franchises – Fall 2021").
Jasco Games was recently acquired by Pow! Interactive, which raised $20 million to expand sales of its games and pursue additional acquisitions (see "Newly Funded Pow! Interactive Acquires Jasco Games").

At GAMA Expo
Posted by Milton Griepp on March 25, 2022 @ 3:25 am CT