Tim Seeley will write and Zulema Scotto Lavina will provide art for Hexware, a new six-issue series from Image Comics in cooperation with Arancia Studio, which launches in December. Arancia Studio is the house of Mirka Andolfo’s Image titles, and develops IP for Andolfo (see "Mirka Andolfo’s ‘Sweet Paprika’") and other creators (see “New Mark Russell Series”).
The series is set in a corporate-ruled world with high class inequality in which the populace is drawn to neo-spiritualism and hedge magic. Seeley explained the genesis of the concept. "This is an idea that's been burning in my head for a while," he said. "Working with Arancia Studios and Zulema allowed it to jump onto the page, and take on all kinds of new influences like horror manga and sci-fi anime. Hexware is part cyberpunk, part fantasy, and all about love, loss, and dark deals. Pull up a spell book and get your cyber-pagan on."
The first issue, which will street December 7, features an A cover by Lavina, a variant by Seeley, and a special variant by Andolfo.
Click Gallery below for covers and interior pages!

'Hexware' Launches in December with Lavina Art, Andolfo Cover
Posted by Milton Griepp on September 22, 2022 @ 2:46 am CT