From 1991 to 1993, Marvel Comics published The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition as 36 shrink-wrapped sets of looseleaf pages, detailing the characters of the Marvel Universe as it existed at that time, along with a looseleaf binder to hold them all. Now it is collecting the entire set as two hardcover omnibi, with the profiles rearranged in alphabetical order. The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition, Vol. 1, will collect profiles from Abomination to Lyja the Lazerfist, including some characters who had not appeared in the previous Official Handbooks. The material was written by Len Kaminski, Mark Gruenwald, Glenn Herdling, Peter Sanderson, Murray Ward, and Jamie Tost, with art by Keith Pollard and others. The 888-page hardcover will be released on February 7, 2024, with an MSRP of $100.00. The cover art is by Javier Saltares, Barry Kitson, Rik Levins, Al Milgrom, Scott Mcdaniel, and George Perez; the main edition will have a variety of Marvel heroes on the cover, while the direct market-only variant will feature the Avengers.
Marvel published an earlier edition of this Handbook in three volumes in 2008; the new edition will be complete in two volumes. The first, 1980s edition of The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe was collected into a single omnibus volume in 2021 (see “Marvel Rolls Out Massive Omnibuses”), and the 1989 version was omnibized in 2022 (see “Marvel Goes Back to the Past”).
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Two Omnibus Volumes Collect Character Profiles from 1991-93
Posted by Brigid Alverson on June 23, 2023 @ 3:44 pm CT