An American artist has adapted Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, a locked-room murder mystery set aboard a snowbound train in the 1930s, into graphic novel format.  William Morrow will publish Murder on the Orient Express: The Graphic Novel, an adaptation by artist Bob Al-Greene, on September 12, 2023, as a 288-page, full color paperback with an MSRP of $25.99.

Christie’s 1934 novel and the adaptation look like period pieces now, but Murder on the Orient Express was a contemporary mystery when it was first published and was based on, among other things, the Lindbergh kidnapping and Christie’s own travels on the Orient Express.  The book has inspired a number of adaptations, including movies (see “DVD Round-Up”), television series, stage plays; in 2007 HarperCollins UK published Francoise Riviere and Solidor’s adaptation, also titled Murder on the Orient Express (see “Agatha Christie Gets the Graphic Novel Treatment”).