Crunchyroll will shut down the online anime and manga store RightStuf and move its listings to the Crunchyroll store on October 10, 2023. The announcement came just over a year after Crunchyroll acquired RightStuf (see “Crunchyroll Acquires Ecomm Retailer”).

Crunchyroll presented the move as an expansion of its store, which will now carry over 30,000 products.

The announcement did not specify whether fulfillment will continue from the RightStuf warehouse in Iowa, or whether all operations would be shifted to the same back end as the Crunchyroll Store. Crunchyroll did not respond to e-mailed questions from ICv2 in time for this article.

In addition to online retailing, RightStuf has an anime division, Nozomi Entertainment, which was included in the Crunchyroll acquisition. Anime News Network reported that the merger will not affect Nozomi’s licenses.