Calliope Games will release Patrician: Towers of Influence, the definitive edition of the classic Michael Schacht game, into retail in September 2024.

This medieval tower-building game was first introduced to U.S. markets by Mayfair Games in 2007 (see "Mayfair's 'Patrician' Due in August").  In this game, players build magnificent towers in cities all across Italy in an attempt to gain prestige for erecting the tallest tower.  Builders gain points for building tall towers and obtaining patrician portraits, and the player with the most points for towers they control wins the game.  The new edition of the features an updated presentation, a new set of two-player rules, and two expansion modules.

This game is for two to five players, ages 8 and up, and plays in 20-40 minutes.  It will retail for $35.